Globalization and expansion of trade and trade negotiations are often associated with increased economic growth and prosperity. Nevertheless, the reality paints a very different picture, mainly characterized by deeper asymmetries in development indicators and inequalities in income distribution within countries that have successfully undertaken insertion into international trade. It is a well known fact that in order to neutralize asymmetries and reduce income distribution inequalities, further actions must be adopted. Among them, training and technical assistance are needed to create and/or improve institutional capabilities, a task that involves not only education and guidance programs but also assistance in the fields of trade policy formulation, institution building and legislation, to enhance negotiation skills and technical knowledge of all parties involved, and to strengthen their ability to more effectively and equitably implement trade commitments and policies for the benefit of society.
- Promote the expansion of international trade as a mean to advance economic development and social welfare
- Encourage analysis and professional debate of international trade policies and processes of regional economic integration
- Promote the realization of studies on the different issues related to international trade, economic integration and
international trade negotiations, leading to conclusions and policy recommendations towards a better understanding and enforcement of trade agreements, so that their societal gains are more equitable and far-reaching
- Contribute to the training of professionals, leading managers and government officers, in the areas of International Trade, Trade Policies and International Negotiations, aimed at optimizing the benefits of trade agreements
- Encourage analysis and professional debate of international trade policies and processes of economic integration and their impact on development, so as to foresee policy actions needed to be implemented that assure positive societal outcomes
- To summon professionals, leaders and officials of the public and private sectors, managers and representatives of the academic environment, without distinction of ideologies or party affiliations, to a systematic discussion of international and regional economic problems, as well as to the formulation of action proposals to achieve economic development and social welfare
- To organize workshops, seminars and conferences, for the treatment, discussion and dissemination of these topics
- To participate in International Cooperation Training and Technical Assistance Programs aimed at strengthening institutional capabilities in the fields of trade policy formulation and international negotiations, and at full participation of civil society within the objectives of trade agreements so as to expand their social and economic gains