INTEGRAL offers a wide range of training courses, seminars and workshops, on a great variety of topics mainly related to international trade negotiations, trade agreements implementation, trade policy formulation, and strategic intelligence applied to trade policies and regimes and markets. All INTEGRAL training activities have as ultimate purpose to better prepare participants to face the challenges of trade negotiations and trade agreements implementation. Our training programs combine our knowledge and teaching experience with a methodology based on audiovisual techniques, role-playing exercises and case studies, adjusted to the client requirements. Read more on our Training Methodology …
Our Training Department will analyze your request and send you a proposal for the training program that you need. Brief description of Trade Negotiations Case Studies (partial list).
INTEGRAL has a vast and important record in government officials and business and civil society representatives training in international trade negotiations, trade agreements implementation and trade policy formulation. Since 2001, Integral has delivered training programs using case studies and role-playing simulation exercises to 1095 people of 20 countries within the Hemisphere in 33 training activities either by its association with the Summit of the Americas Center training programs, or within the scope of cooperation programs funded by USAID or EuropeAid or by association with private nonprofit organizations, all programs aimed at providing services that promote enhanced competitiveness and deeper integration of countries and its companies in international markets.
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INTEGRAL delivered:
- Ten International Trade Negotiations Skills Courses in association with the Summit of the Americas Center (SOAC) of the Latin American and Caribbean Center (LACC) at the Florida International University (FIU), covering nearly all trade agenda topics – including Market Access, Intellectual Property Rights and others, in Miami Florida. More…
- Three training activities, one Intensive International Trade Negotiation Skills Course and two Workshops, the first on Market Access Negotiations and the second on Impact Analysis of Trade Agreements, under USAID´S Dominican Competitiveness Project, in the Dominican Republic. More…
- Seven training activities under USAID´S Bolivian Trade & Business Competitiveness Project, dealing with Trade Negotiation Techniques, Market Access – Basic and Advanced, Impact Analysis, Intellectual Property Rights, Dispute Settlement and Services Negotiations, in Bolivia. More…
- One Module and a Negotiation Exercise of the Azuay University High Diploma in International Negotiations, in Cuenca, Ecuador, sponsored by the Chamber of Industries of Cuenca and the University of Azuay, through its Foreign Trade Unit. More…
- Two Intensive Training Courses in International Commercial Negotiations on Intellectual Property Rights: from Negotiation to Implementation, one in Lima Perú and another in Montevideo, Uruguay, sponsored by Merck, Sharp & Dohme Foundation. More…
- Nine training activities, between October 2008 and February 2011, within the Dominican Republic Institutional Support Program for Regional Integration (ISPRI): two Courses – Basic and Advanced International Trade Negotiation Skills Courses, six Seminars on Regime of Origin, Market Access Negotiation, Services Negotiation, Dispute Settlement, Intellectual Property Rights, Unfair Trade Practices and a Diploma in Trade Policy Formulation and Policy Analysis, gathering in total 392 people from government and private sectors. More…
- One Basic Course of Negotiation Techniques Module in 2018 within the International Trade Negotiation Training Program “Ricardo Estrada”, in Guayaquil Ecuador, organized by the Export and Investment Promotion Corporation of Ecuador (CORPEI) with auspice of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Investment of Ecuador, that gathered 28 people from different governmental organizations and sectoral business organizations. More…
Between 2000 and 2007, the Center of Studies on Economic Integration and International Trade (INTEGRAL), together with the Summit of the Americas Center (SOAC) of the Latin American and Caribbean Center (LACC) at the Florida International University (FIU), developed and delivered in Miami, Florida, ten International Trade Negotiations Skills Courses (TNSC) covering the most relevant issues of the trade agenda, gathering in total 177 people from public and private sectors of almost all the countries within the Hemisphere. Read more . . .
During 2002, within the USAID´s Dominican Republic Competitiveness Project, managed by Chemonics International Inc., Integral and the Florida International University (FIU) delivered three training activities: one Intensive International Trade Negotiation Skills Course and two Workshops, the first on Market Access Negotiations and the second on Impact Analysis of Trade Agreements. All three activities were tailored to the needs expressed by the Dominican Ministry of Foreign Relations with the goal of strengthening the negotiation capabilities of members of the country National Commission of Trade Negotiations. Activities took place on March, October and December 2002 and gathered in total 93 participants from public and private sector. Read more. . .
Between 2004 and 2005, within the USAID´s Bolivian Trade & Business Competitiveness Project, managed by Chemonics International Inc., being on the goals of such project to strengthen Bolivian negotiating teams’ capabilities and involve private stakeholders on the on-going negotiations, Integral and the Summit of Florida International University (FIU) delivered in Bolivia seven training activities: An Intensive International Trade Negotiation Skills Course, providing an overview about the Hemispheric trade negotiations and negotiation skills and practice, a Workshop on Market Access focused on tariff reduction modalities and alternatives, non‐tariff barriers, rules of origin, customs procedures and business facilitation measures, a Workshop on Impact Analysis of Trade Agreements on three areas of the Bolivian economy – agro industry, with emphasis on the oleaginous sector, manufactures with emphasis on textile sector and intellectual property rights protection, and their interrelation when faced to assess benefits and risks over concessions and demands, an Advanced Level Seminar on Market Access on the negotiation of tariff concessions of list of offers to enable preparing the best negotiation alternative in a negotiation scenario of a Free Trade Agreement between a small economy and a developed economy, a Seminar on Intellectual Property Rights in the Negotiation of a Free Trade Agreement, with full instruction on Intellectual Property Rights and its implication in international trade negotiations and particularly in a negotiation of a free trade agreement between a large and a small economy, a Seminar on Services in the Negotiation of a Free Trade Agreement that described and analyzed the basic concepts of trade in services and the context in which services are negotiated in regional and bilateral free trade agreements, and a Seminar on Dispute Settlement and Institutional Aspects that dealt with conceptual analysis of the negotiations to liberalize trade in services at the multilateral and regional levels. These seven training activities gave a full picture of all the issues involved in a negotiation on the relevant topics of the international trade agenda and taught to navigate the complexity of the intricate interrelations and to properly weigh benefits, risks and consequences when defining the national negotiating positions. Read more. . .
In 2006 the Chamber of Industries of Cuenca and the University of Azuay, through the Foreign Trade Unit, sponsored the Higher Diploma in International Negotiation, a six-month postgraduate course, aimed to train and specialize professionals in the international trade sector and all branches of the economy, in the formulation of new objectives and means that consider a better way to address the future, laying the foundations for a change in International Negotiations that favor companies, industries and the national economy. INTEGRAL was in charge of delivering one of the modules of that postgraduate course, on International Trade Policy and its Institutions, that took place from April 17 to April 22, 2006 and a Practical Trade Negotiation Exercise that took place from August 16 to August 19, 2006. Read more. . .
In 2007, two Intensive Training Course in International Commercial Negotiations on Intellectual Property Rights: from Negotiation to Implementation, in association with the Institute for International Professional Services (IIPS), from the Latin American and Caribbean Center (LACC) of Florida International University, sponsored by Merck, Sharp & Dohme Foundation and co-sponsored by Janssen-Cilag, the first on August 2007 in Lima Peru, under the auspices of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism (MINCETUR) of Peru and the second on November 2007 in Montevideo, Uruguay, under auspices of Uruguayan Mercantile Chamber. Read more . . .
Between 2008 and 2011, nine training activities, within the Dominican Republic Institutional Support Program for Regional Integration (ISPRI) – an European Cooperation program implemented by the international consulting firm Eptisa, focused on promoting the regional integration and the increase of competitiveness of the Dominican Republic in the global market. These nine activities were Seminar on Rules of Origin, on October 2008, to which 68 people attended, Basic and Advanced Negotiation Techniques Courses, delivered on March and July, 2009, with 46 and 41 participants respectively, Market Access Negotiations, on March 2010, with 49 participants, Negotiation on Services, on April 2010, when 25 people attended, Intellectual Property Rights, on June 2010, with 40 attendees, Dispute Settlement, on July 2010, with 58 attendees, and Unfair Trade Practices, on February 2011, with 44 participants, and a Diploma in Trade Policy Formulation and Policy Analysis, on June 2010, addressed to 20 officials of the member institutions of the National Trade Negotiations Commission and an invited journalist. Read more . . .
In 2018, one Training Course in International Trade Negotiations, Basic Course of Negotiation Techniques Module, organized by CORPEI with auspice of Ecuador Ministry of Foreign Trade and Investment was a five-day intensive training activity on Trade Negotiations, their role within trade agreements and the meaning of the implementation of commitments made by countries and included a three intensive sessions of simulated negotiation exercise in order that participants improve their negotiation strategies and techniques knowledge by learning-by-doing by taking part on a simulation negotiation exercise. The course was delivered by on Guayaquil, Ecuador from March 5 to March 9, 2018, and gathered 28 people from different governmental organizations and sectoral business organizations. Read more . . .